We have one sous vide stick in our assortment, the Princess 01.267003.01.001 Waterproof Sous Vide Stick
As spare part, we offer the Stainless Steel Skirt https://www.princesshome.eu/en-gb/princess-901-267003-061-stainless-steel-skirt-901.267003.061
Modified on: Wed, 20 Sep, 2023 at 11:26 AM
We have one sous vide stick in our assortment, the Princess 01.267003.01.001 Waterproof Sous Vide Stick
As spare part, we offer the Stainless Steel Skirt https://www.princesshome.eu/en-gb/princess-901-267003-061-stainless-steel-skirt-901.267003.061